Tuesday Tip: Getting Organized for the Holidays

October 30, 2012

Way Basics is overjoyed to bring you this Tip Tuesday by Aby Garvey. She is a creative organizing expert and the founder and co-owner of www.simplify101.com. Simplify 101’s mission is to make getting organized simple and fun! Get a taste of simplify 101—and the organized life—with their FREE, simple-to-follow guide How to Create a Command Central Binder . If you’d like to learn more about simplify 101’s online workshops, check out their free workshop How to Change Your Life in 10 Simple Steps. 121029_Organizing for the Holidays

It’s hard to believe that November is almost here. And you know what that means: the holidays are right around the corner! Whether this thought fills you with excitement or dread, there are some simple things you can do to get organized for the holidays and make the season a joyful and stress-free time of year. Here’s how to get started.

1. Start with the end in mind. For just a minute, think about how you felt on December 26 th last year. Were you relaxed and satisfied, or were you exhausted and relieved that the holiday rush was? If the latter, think about how you’d like to feel this year, not only on the 26 th, but throughout November and December. Then, distill this vision into a simple statement. My statement is “the joy is in the journey,” and it helps me stay focused on what really matters throughout the holiday season. What do you want this holiday season?

2. Make a to-do list and assign time slots.Once you have your vision for the season in place, make a simple to-do list of all the things you typically do this time of year including shopping for gifts, wrapping gifts, sending cards, baking, entertaining, and so on. Then, do a sanity check, with yourself and your family. Which items on this list support your vision for the season? Which tasks get in the way of creating the type of holiday you really want? Give yourself permission to simplify your list and edit out those tasks that don’t help you create the kind of holiday season you want. Then, pull out a calendar and schedule the tasks you will do.

3. Start early.The best way to ensure you create the kind of holiday season you envisioned in step 1 is to start early. Take action on steps 1 and 2 this week—and then make a little bit of progress on your to-do list each day. By working on your holiday to-dos a little bit at a time throughout the season, you’ll alleviate stress and create space for the people and activities that matter most to you.

By following these three steps, you can create a holiday season that is centered on what is most important to you and your family.

Happy Holidays!


P.S. If you’d like a complete system to organize every aspect of the holiday season, my Get Organized for the Holidays online workshop is for you. This workshop gives you tools to simplify your holiday to-do list, including printable forms to organize everything from shopping, to entertaining, to gift wrapping, to scheduling activities and to-dos. Class begins Thursday, November 1st and runs through December 20th. During this time, you'll have access to a private message board where you can ask me questions. I'll answer them within one business day (often even faster) so it's like having a professional organizer "on-call" throughout the holiday season. You’re invited to join the fun. And you're invited to create a stress-free, joy-filled holiday season this year and for years to come. Get all the details and sign up here!


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